Concrete porches and patios get a lot of use which means they’ll eventually begin to crack or fade and may even become stained. If your concrete surface is cracked, shows spalling (chipped or flaked concrete), or is just in need of an upgrade, you may be asking: Can a concrete porch or patio be resurfaced?

The answer is yes! Resurfacing a concrete porch or patio can give it new life, and there are a variety of resurfacing options, so you can choose the best one for your situation. Resurfacing concrete can save time and money because you won't have to tear down the existing porch or patio and build a new one.
Here are a few different ways to resurface a concrete:
4 Ways to Resurface a Concrete Porch or Patio
Your initial instinct to deal with a cracked or otherwise outdated concrete may be to demolish it and start from scratch, but the good news is you don’t have to. Today, there are many options to resurface concrete. Some require more know-how and DIY skills than others, so choosing how to resurface a concrete porch or patio requires an understanding of the material and installation process.
1. Stamped Concrete
Stamped concrete can be applied over the existing concrete. Concrete can be stamped to look like stone, textured concrete, wood planks, and more. Once the concrete is poured onto the surface, smoothed, and leveled, stamp mats are applied to the surface and tamped down to create the desired pattern.
2. Pebble or Rock Coating
Pebble or rock coating can be applied with epoxy over the existing concrete surface and creates a natural textured overlay.
3. Spray Texture Overlay
A spray texture overlay sprays onto the existing concrete surface to create a textured finish for a slip-resistant and non-skid surface as well as to update the look of the concrete porch. Some spray textured overlays can also be stenciled to create an even more textured or patterned appearance.
4. Interlocking Composite Pavers

Composite pavers are a sustainable and easy to install way to resurface a concrete porch or patio.. They are durable and won’t crack, chip, or flake the way that concrete does over time. They are also more comfortable to walk on than other concrete porch resurfacing options. Resurfacing concrete with interlocking composite pavers is cleaner and easier because it doesn’t rely on epoxy or sprays to install. Simply lay the installation grids on the surface and place the pavers in the desired pattern.
How To Resurface a Concrete Porch or Patio
Step 1: Assess the concrete surface.
In many cases, cracked and outdated concrete can be resurfaced. Most cracks can be repaired, but if the concrete has heaved or there are severe cracks that go all the way through the concrete, it may be best to tear out the concrete and replace it completely.
Assess the concrete for damage, and if the concrete can be resurfaced, move on to Step 2.
Step 2: Clean and repair the existing concrete.
The process of resurfacing a concrete porch or patio begins with cleaning and prepping the surface. If the concrete is in good shape, you may just need to remove debris, leaves, and sticks from the surface. From there, depending on the condition of the concrete, it should at the very least be power-washed.
If the concrete has cracks or spalling, any debris should be removed and crack filler should be applied to fill the crack and smooth out the area. Depending on the severity of the cracks, it may be necessary to reinforce with fabric and use multiple layers of crack filler.
Step 3: Prep the surface for resurfacing.
Rough areas or areas where cracks have been repaired should be ground down until they are smooth and level with the rest of the concrete surface. After grinding, the surface should be cleaned again.
Step 4: Apply resurfacing material.
Resurfacing methods for a concrete floor depend on the type of resurfacing material you’ll be using. Stamped concrete, and pebble or rock epoxy coating require mixing and drying time. Spray textured overlay also requires drying time. Interlocking composite pavers can be installed and walked on immediately after.
Step 5: Enjoy your updated porch!
Understanding how to resurface a concrete porch or patio can extend its life and lead to more outdoor enjoyment for years. Choosing an easy to install and highly durable material can make the experience of installation and relaxation even better.
Aspire Pavers Make Resurfacing a Concrete Porch or Patio Easy

Whether you’re tackling back patio or front porch concrete resurfacing, Aspire Pavers can make the project go faster and more smoothly than other concrete resurfacing options. Aspire Pavers offer many benefits, including:
Easy installation
No maintenance
Superior stain resistance
Multiple sizes and colors to choose from
Aesthetically pleasing
Comfortable to walk on
Ability to create beautiful patterns
Sustainable and made with up to 95% post-consumer recycled material
Contact the experts at Aspire today to explore concrete resurfacing options that are easy to install and beautiful to look at.