Concrete is often used as either pavers or poured concrete to create in-ground patios. Concrete is highly popular, durable, and affordable, but it has downsides that often makes resurfacing necessary for both safety and aesthetics.

Whether you have a poured concrete patio or have concrete patio pavers, some common problems can occur that require resurfacing. Even though it is durable, concrete can chip, crack, and flake over time, and upon impact. It can also stain and should be sealed periodically.
If your concrete patio is in poor shape, resurfacing allows you to revitalize and restore worn out concrete to restore a beautiful and usable space.
Concrete Paver Resurfacing Ideas
Cement-Based Overlay
Cement-based overlay, or concrete resurfacing, can be used to renew a cracked or uneven patio. Unlike concrete pavers that are installed individually, concrete resurfacing is mixed concrete that is spread over the existing patio surface, smoothed, and stamped to create a new surface.
To resurface concrete with this resurfacing option, the patio should be cleaned and pressure-washed to remove any debris, dirt, and chipped concrete. Next, the concrete should be patched and evened with a resurfacer that’s been mixed with water and can be troweled onto the spots that need repair.
For simple concrete resurfacing projects, the concrete resurfacer can be laid with a long-handled trowel, smoothed, and then brushed to apply a texture that will aid in making it a non-slip surface.
For more complex projects, concrete resurfacing can be made to look like weathered wood, stamped into a pattern, or inset with tiles or bricks, among other possible designs.
Since concrete resurfacing is laid in a thin layer over the existing material, it may not be as durable as other paver options. It can be a do-it-yourself option, but more complex resurfacing that requires extensive repairs or unique details should be left to professionals.
Brick Overlay
Brick is a traditional patio paver material due to its durability and versatility. They can come in a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures and can be laid in different patterns to give the patio its own personality that fits the aesthetic of the home and outdoor space.
To resurface a concrete patio with a brick overlay, the existing concrete should be free of debris and scrubbed clean. Edging should then be installed on the perimeter; this can be made of plastic, metal, wood, or even more brick. A layer of coarse gravel should then be placed over the entire and leveled out. Following the gravel, a layer of sand should then be applied evenly and you’re ready to lay the brick.
A brick overlay can be laid down in a simple pattern, or more intricate patterns can be constructed. Make sure to use a rubber mallet to “hammer” the bricks so they’re properly in place. Once complete, a concrete sealer should be sprayed over the entire brick area. Finally, lay down a layer of sand to fill in any cracks between the bricks, then lightly brush the surface to remove any leftover sand.
Though brick has been a traditional building material for nearly as long as people have been building things, it can chip, shear, or crack under pressure and often with normal wear and tear. Weeds can also grow in between the bricks and bricks can become uneven as the base material settles over time. Bricks also add considerable height to the patio so you will want to make sure there is proper door clearance or other issues with this increased height.
Composite Pavers
Composite patio pavers are a relatively new revolution in building materials when compared with concrete or brick that have been around for thousands of years. This modern material is made of recycled plastics and rubber to create a durable and beautiful concrete patio resurfacing option.

Aspire makes installation easy with our patented grid installation system. The grid system is installed directly over the existing concrete patio surface, and eliminates the need for sand or tamping down, as with brick pavers. Because the grid follows the contour of the surface, it’s important to clean the existing concrete thoroughly and remove any debris. If there are any significant undulations, they can be smoothed by applying a self-leveling concrete or similar product to fill in any low areas. High areas should be evened out.

Composite pavers are incredibly durable and require very little maintenance besides removing debris periodically. They won’t chip or crack and their rubber and plastic composition makes them more comfortable to walk or stand on than brick or concrete.
Make Resurfacing Easy with Aspire Pavers
Aspire resurfacing pavers provide benefits that concrete and brick can’t. Benefits of Aspire pavers include:
Won’t chip, flake, or crack over time
Easy to install directly over the existing concrete patio
Stain resistant
Sustainably made with up to 95% post-consumer recycled material
Multiple colors and sizes to choose from
Ability to create unique patterns
Contact the experts at Aspire today to discuss concrete resurfacing options using composite pavers.